Visions – speak your servant is listening

Visions – speak God your servant is listening

I was in the middle of trying to decide whether we should go down the Intergenerational road at SMbtS (St Mary by the Sea). I had read the books, I had had the conversations I needed to have with various people. There are good ideas, and there are God ideas. In otherwords, is the idea I have just a good idea, or was it where God was calling us? In all the reading I had done, and the conversations had, I felt I had no answer from God. Yet God had sent people to speak into my life through books and colleagues on Intergenerational Ministry and Worship; I knew all I needed. I fully believed in it. But where was God in this? I was hesitant about the first step. I was hesitant even though I knew the case for Intergenerational Ministry and Worship. I had people and books, but needed a cue from God.

It was my first year at SMbtS and I needed a break to clear my head, read and pray. I had the opportunity to go on a silent retreat., so I did just that; I went on a 7 day silent retreat.

Towards the end of the retreat I was praying and then there came a vision. It was a simple one. An older woman leaning over a young girl, celebrating things together. The woman was paying loving attention and was glowing. The girl was glowing. They were celebrating. This is nothing major. But it was all I needed. I could see that Intergenerational Worship could work. To me, this vision said that Intergenerational Worship was within God’s will. The direction ahead was now clear, we were to start. If we really could do this, if we really could get the generations together to celebrate each other, then we are doing what God calls us to do. This vision to me said: “Yes – this is possible.” Yes this is enough. Make a start.

For me to take the first step, I needed a vision. God gave me a vision of how this might look. I was incredibly grateful to our God, knowing me, and giving me what I needed to take that first step. I am reminded of 1 Samuel 3:10

“the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’ ”

1 Samuel 3:10

What is it that you need to take the first step? For me it was to hear from God. And to do that I needed to be in a place and space ready to hear from God. What does a space and place to hear from God look like for you?

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