Let’s Kill Sunday School

Let’s Kill Sunday School

(Before it kills the church)

What if Sunday mornings at your church always included an optional hour of intentional Cross+Generational worship with children, youth, families and elders gathered in the same sacred space to experience God, engage in deep faith conversations, serve one another, and enjoy life together? What would happen if you were able to carve out prime space in the Sunday schedule for something altogether new – a blending of education and worship (eduworship) in the context of engaging, bonding, strengthening Cross+Gen relationships?

This book contains a dozen case studies by faith formation pioneers from coast to coast. These “movers and shakers and systems breakers” are setting aside prime time for a prime purpose: They are attempting to recreate healthy Cross+Gen environments where the wisdom of the elder and the wonder of the child collide on a weekly basis. They are teaching young and old to connect their stories with God’s story. They are unveiling a theme every week at church and returning to it every night in every home. And they’re having a blast doing it.

If you are ready to explore designing, testing, and tweaking new faith formation models aimed at engaging parents and kids of the post-Gutenberg, post-television, internet era family, come on in. We’ve been waiting for you. It’s going to be a wild ride back to the future when Deuteronomy 6 (“when you lie down and when you rise”) meets Acts 2 (“they met in homes and temple”) and the 21st Century non-nuclear faith family.

– Dr. Rich Melheim & Friends

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